Our Teachers - Aneesha Dillon
Aneesha Dillon (United States)
Aneesha has been working with people for 50 years. She originally trained as a neo-Reichian body-and-breath therapist in Emotional Release work at the Radix Institute in California in the early 1970s, and also lived and practiced at the Esalen Institute.
In 1976 Aneesha traveled to India to meet Osho, and spent the next 28 years practicing her Reichian work in Osho’s communes in India and around the world, training people in the method she developed, Osho Pulsation.
She also created an approach called Tantric Pulsation, which teaches people practices designed to bring the qualities of sensitivity and meditation into their intimate meetings with the other.
Aneesha became interested in death and dying when she cared for her partner, who died of cancer in 2004, seven months after his diagnosis. After moving back to California she got involved in the Conscious Dying movement that is currently exploding in the US.
She has trained as a Death Doula and an End of Life Educator at the Conscious Dying Institute, and as a Death Midwife at Sacred Passages; she is a Life and Death Celebrant, and is certificated in Thanatology. She studied with Frank Ostasesky, founder of the Zen Hospice in San Francisco.