The Personal Freedom Training
with Tarika Glubin
​April 25, 2025 - September 13, 2026
Our deeply ingrained and unconscious beliefs, define who we think we are moment by moment of our lives.
How many beliefs, ideas and conditionings about ourselves and others are narrowing our experience of life? How many times the feelings of being stuck, small, powerless, unable to create the life we really want take over and create the circumstances of the life we are living in? These conditionings end up shaping the quality of our work, relationships, health and intimacy.
When we shed light, compassion and understanding on our negative beliefs and ideas about ourselves and the world around us, we feel empowered by widening our choices. Not only that, but we also gain the self-trust needed to let go of what is not working for us anymore and to create and rejoice in a more integrated, expanded and fulfilled life.
Training Schedule
Part I. The Path of Self Love
April 25 - 27, 2025 in Kaunas (3 days)
This 3 day process is created for people with a deep longing for love in their lives. It will guide you through the labyrinth of conditioning about loving yourself, the objections, the fears and the beliefs. With a clear understanding of these inner mechanisms, the old habits of self-rejection and doubt begin to fade away, and you can open to your own intrinsic beauty.
This is a major step in the rediscovery of your essential value and prepares the way for positive and loving relationships.
Part II. The Rebellious Spirit
September 24-28, 2025 at Shanti Resort (5 days)
The rebellious spirit is a fire in the soul, the thirst for freedom. It is the fearlessness to be yourself, without compromise. In this seminar we will be clearing new paths toward this fearlessness by deeply meeting with the roots of our judgments, our fears, our problems around power, shame, unworthiness, inferiority, perfectionism and other wounds.
The main focus will be to understand the inner mechanism of judging, how it comes and how to go beyond it, and then to learn how to face our primal wounds inside with friendliness. Seeing to the roots of your present-day problems will bring the understanding that you have simply been conditioned, and that you are not guilty for having wounds. This will open the gates for seeing deeper into the unconsciousness, and for allowing healing and a sense of wholeness to happen more easily.
Part III. Love and Freedom
January 8-11, 2026 at Shanti Resort (4 days)
Life is a mysterious unfolding. With each turn we take there is new information for us to process and digest. Just when we think we have figured it out, life brings us new situations to test our inner connection. Awareness is not about having a fixed idea, but more about being able to love yourself and others no matter what is going on around you.
In this course we will take a look at what is in the way of keeping us flowing. We will experiment with moving the obstacles out of the way and support the understanding that we are connected to a loving existence.
It is important to remember that we can not always control our circumstances. However, we do have the power to decide how we take care of ourselves and make the most loving choices possible.
Part IV. Who am I Without My Story? (co-leaded with Anam Smith)
April 22 - 26, 2026 at Shanti Resort (5 days)
A deep process of understanding how to live from the present moment. We will go through an awareness intensive process, based on traditional Zen techniques, designed to penetrate beyond our habitual masks and pretensions focusing our total energy into the search for who we really are., who is in?. We will explore what it means to dis-identify from our old history and let go of the destructive patterns that unconsciously keep directing our life.
When you practice responding moment to moment, awareness of your identification with the personality starts to develop. Once this is experienced and understood, you shift towards your being, to the center of witnessing. You feel a profound relaxation and the joy of being in the present moment.
5 days residential group on the Lithuanian countryside open for everybody with previous experience on meditation and emotional release groups (i.e. Breathing, Pulsation, Childhood work).
Part V. Living from Present Time
June 12-14, 2026 in Kaunas (3 days)
With the help of the Transessence Technique (a tool for essential living) we will take a deeper look at what action comes from Present time.
We will learn to distinguish between our personality structure (reaction) and present time (action). So much is possible when we learn to step out of the past!
Part VI. Lighting Up Your Life
September 11-13, 2026 in Kaunas (3 days)
As a completion way to round out this individual training we will spend these days looking at what lights us up.
So much time and energy goes into wondering how we can do t hings better or what we are doing wrong. We are hardly ever encouraged to look at what we want to do, what we need, and what makes us happy. By learning how to naturally focus on your essential inner guidance you can begin to bring this light into your daily life.
Practical info
Parts I, II, III and IV of the seminars are open to everyone - both those already participating in the training process and those who want to join for the first time.
Parts V and VI of the seminars are open to those who have participated in one or more of these training parts.
Parts I, V, VI of the training will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Parts II, III, IV of the training will take place at the Shanti Resort homestead in the Trakai district in Lithuania (
Registration and information:
tel. +37068381991