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Childhood De-conditioning Training – 10 sessions process

With Svarup Disegni (Italy)


November 12th, 2025 -  March 7th, 2027

A boy and a teddy bear

This is a unique way to work with a client‘s or your own inner child. It teaches you to understand transform and heal childhood wounds and conditioning.​


During this training, you will be guided, and learn to guide others, through a 10 session journey backwards in time, through each one of the developmental stages of childhood.


You will be taught:

  • how at each stage of childhood a certain essential quality (strength, initiative, trust, etc.) surfaces in its potential form, and gets repressed or distorted by issues.

  • how these unresolved issues affect our capacity as adults to fully live and enjoy our lives.


For each stage of childhood development, you will learn, both through theory and self-experience, specific techniques to:

  • contact the issues of that particular time,

  • heal the wounds that occurred then,

  • transform the energy that was blocked at that time back into life affirmative qualities.


Who is this training for?

This training benefits both those who want to use it for in depth self-experience and those who want to use it in their work with people.


If you intend to use this training as a working tool, you will also be given individual supervision sessions, to learn through experience and receive a constructive feedback.

I part

November 12-16, 2025 at Shanti Resort

Session 1.  The meeting of adult and child

You will learn to recognize and connect different parts of your inner world.

  • The Child, which represents your unresolved emotions, but also your energy, and your natural qualities

  • The Adult, who has the capacity to navigate the world and manifest the life you want to live

  • The Internalized parents, who are the sum of the messages (spoken and unspoken) you received from the parents, and what you absorbed from their unconscious in your childhood


As the Adult, you will first be led and then learn to lead others through a regression journey to see the parents of the past and then meet and interact with the child-you.

Session 2. Uncovering the Superego: the voices of the Internalized Parents

You will learn more about the impact of the Superego (the parental voices) on the child you.

  • As the Adult, you will be invited to act out those voices

  • As the child, you will be able to experience how these voices took deep roots in your unconscious and made you disconnect from vital parts of yourself


The main method used here will be Gestalt.

II part

February 7-8, 2026 Online

Session 3. The natural child and the roles for the parents

You will learn about the roles we take as children within our family, with the intent of making the parents happy and fill in whatever void they might have felt in their lives.

  • As the Adult, you will be invited to recognize and value the natural qualities you brought with you in this life

  • As the child, you will recognize how stress and effort to fit in have replaced the sharing of those natural qualities and learn to flower and share them again, feeling seen and appreciated for who you really are


The techniques used here are Gestalt and Essence work

III part

June 3-7, 2026 at Shanti Resort

Session 4. The sensuous child

You will learn about the natural flow of sensuousness, curiosity and passion that happen during the age period between 3 and 6.

  • As the Adult, you will recognize where the flow of these qualities is blocked and withheld in your body

  • As the child, you will be supported to allow these qualities to stream through your body The method used here will be Neo-Reichian bodywork


The method used here will be Neo-Reichian bodywork.

Session 5. Creating Healthy boundaries for the Child

In this segment we will explore the theme of boundaries in all their dimensions: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, and how they develop around the age of 1 1/2 to 3.

  • As the Adult, you will gain a deeper understanding of how your boundaries were invaded during childhood

  • As the child, you will regain a sense of your own space, and the joy to move freely within a territory that feels safe​​


Here we are going to use a colorful method of energy work.

IV part

October 2-3, 2026  Online

Working with Emotions. Preparation for sessions 6 and 7

In this segment we will recognise the origin of emotions, in babies and children.

We will learn to recognise and support the feeling and expression of whatever, positive or negative emotions, arise in the client

V part

November 25-29, 2026 at Shanti Resort

Sessions 6 and 7: Releasing and Transforming the unexpressed emotions of the Child

These two sessions are dedicated to completion with the figures of the internalized parents, mother and father.

  • As the Adult, you will speak up for the child in you, and allow your body to release any unresolved negative emotion from the past that may still cause reactiveness or collapse in your present life

  • As the child, you will feel unburdened and ready to receive the real gifts your parents have given you


Here the main technique will be emotional release.

VI part

January 23-24, 2027 Online

Session 8. The Baby Child: Healing Rejection and Rediscovering Trust

This segment is dedicated to the younger child in you, from birth until 1 ½. It addresses the sensitive issue of need, the feeling of abandonment and how these unresolved themes affect us around relationship, love, merging and trust.

  • As the Adult, you will learn to understand the strategies you developed to protect yourself from these early wounds

  • As the child, you will find back in your heart that feeling of connectedness and trust that makes you relax in the arms of existence


The techniques used here are a mix of regression journey and the original Primal work of Janov.

VII part

March 3-7, 2027 at Shanti Resort

Session 9. Rebirth

This segment addresses the time of birth. We will focus on rebirth rather than reliving the possible traumas around the “first birth”, mainly by recovering the deep sense that we wanted to come to this earth and that there is a deep longing inside each one of us to live a full and meaningful life

  • As the Adult, you will be supported to remember that longing

  • As a child, you will feel welcomed and supported through the journey, from conception to birth, learning to trust your impulse to come out


Here we are going to use simple breath techniques and a colorful regression journey to the origins of your life.

Session 10. Integration

This segment is dedicated to integration, bringing all the “parts” together, feeling whole again and moving back into life with all the qualities you rediscovered.



At the end of the training, you will have the option of being certified as  Childhood De-conditioning Training – a 10 sessions process facilitator after completing a Supervision series.


Supervision sessions: 


  • Three completed 10 sessions series with three different clients (2 Supervisions with Svarup for each cycle)

  • One supervision after the first 5 test sessions and one at the end of the last 5 x three clients 

  • In total 6 supervision sessions

  • If needed, more supervisions can be done for each test series. 

  • After three completed test series we will consider together with the trainee if he/she is ready to facilitate the process.


Svarup Disegni (Italy)

Svarup has 30+ years of experience facilitating Childhood Deconditioning work, both childhood and adolescence and sexuality, and is a teacher of Essence Work.


Practical information

• Duration of Training: 260 hours 

• In each part of the training, you will immerse yourself in an interactive experience in a group, in pairs and individually.

• You will receive methodological material for all 7 parts.


•Parts I, III, V and VII will be residential and will take place at the homestead „Shanti resort“ in Trakai district, Lithuania (how to find it and more info about the resort at​

•Parts II, IV and VI will take place online via Zoom.


•The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.


Registration and information:

Amiya - tel. +37068381991


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