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Certified Practitioners

Certified Practitioners offer individual consultations. All listed practitioners have completed specialized training and supervision, meeting the requirements for certification for providing individual consultations.

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Transessence sessions

The Transessence Technique helps us to go to an empty space inside. The compassion that radiates from this center (neutral place) makes it possible to bring a new understanding to the different parts of our personality. To look with the pure, clean eyes of our center, is transforming

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Healing the Inner Teenager - a 10 sessions process

A brand new way of working with the wounds and the immense energetic potential that awakens sex and vision for everyone, during the period of teenage. You will be guided through a journey backwards in time, where we will address both, the sexual aspect and the visionary aspect in ourselves.

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Childhood De-conditioning - a 10 sessions process

This is a unique way to work with your own inner child. It teaches you to understand transform and heal childhood wounds and conditioning. You will be guided through a journey backwards in time, through each one of the developmental stages of childhood.

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